On Sunday, February 28th, Wellness4Every1® will be hosting a virtual #Stretch4ourSchools class with Studio Fit Chicago to raise money for arts and wellness programming in Chicago Public Schools. The class will be from 4:30-5:30p.m and taught by Brandy LaChappelle and Stefanie Coslow. The suggested donation for this event is $30.00 but we encourage everyone to join regardless of your contribution. Donations can be made on Venmo: Wellness4Every1 or through the link to our GoFundMe: The Art of Wellness.
More about the class: Find balance within yourself as your body learns to move with your breathing, flowing from one deep-stretch yoga pose to the next while feeling the benefits of Vinyasa yoga.
Wellness4Every1® was founded in 2016 in response to the many Chicago Public Schools that had lost their funding for arts and wellness programs. Through community partnerships and fundraising efforts, the organization helps bring these vital opportunities back to Chicago students. Wellness4Every1® has provided programming to 90 schools, reaching over 10,000 students.